As winter approaches, why not consider acquiring a new skill?
Posted by Laura Zabo on
As summer draws to a close and we prepare to spend more time within the comfort of our homes, now is the ideal moment to explore the realm of creativity through engaging activities like knitting, beading, crafting, or even upcycling!
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Life and upcycling in Spain
Posted by Laura Zabo on
Travelling and discovering how different countries run and look has been an absolute joy and I am truly grateful that upcycling has allowed me to have these experiences.
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Travelling and upcycling
Posted by Laura Zabo on
I'm in Bilbao right now and all the local bike shops are collecting inner tubes for me instead of throwing them away, which is great.
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Ready To Make A Change? Join The ZABO Upcycling Classes And Start A Sustainable Life!
Posted by Laura Zabo on
7 incredible years have passed and I am still in love with the art of upcycling inner tubes into jewellery and other accessories.
Join the Zabo Tribe and Create Your Own Pieces
Posted by Laura Zabo on
The moment has finally arrived! As my upcycling mission is expanding, I have decided to start up my own Laura Zabo Club. I’m so excited to share my story and begin to help others start their upcycling journey. Upcycling can be fun and enjoyable, mentally and financially rewarding.
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