Creativity isn’t about wealth; it’s about seeing the world differently, transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary, and making life vibrant in ways money never could.
sustainable fashion
My Latest Obsession: Upcycling Nespresso Capsules
Geposted von Laura Zabo am
You know that moment when you finish your coffee and are about to toss the empty capsule? Well, that’s when my inner upcycler gets excited! I realized these tiny, colorful aluminum pods aren’t just for delivering delicious coffee, but they’re also perfect for making beautiful, bold accessories and art.
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Ready To Make A Change? Join The ZABO Upcycling Classes And Start A Sustainable Life!
Geposted von Laura Zabo am
7 incredible years have passed and I am still in love with the art of upcycling inner tubes into jewellery and other accessories.
Join the Zabo Tribe and Create Your Own Pieces
Geposted von Laura Zabo am
The moment has finally arrived! As my upcycling mission is expanding, I have decided to start up my own Laura Zabo Club. I’m so excited to share my story and begin to help others start their upcycling journey. Upcycling can be fun and enjoyable, mentally and financially rewarding.
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Fast Fashion VS Sustainable Options
Geposted von Jess Hooley am
Do you buy fast fashion because it’s cheap? Quick? Easy? If you are one of these people, look no further - this is the article for you! Here are some examples we have found, that show you that fast fashion is not always the best or wallet-friendly option.
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