After a very thorough process, we are delighted to announce that our new range of rejected car tire shoe soles are finally ready! These top-quality shoe soles are super-flexible, highly durable, making them suitable for all types of footwear, from lightweight sandals to robust boots. Expertly cut to the highest standards, these upcycled tire soles are just waiting to be completed with fabulously compatible uppers!

For that reason, we are looking to collaborate with any shoemakers out there interested in uniting our ethical, vegan and eco-friendly soles with fantastic uppers. Our soles are totally versatile, can be applied to any footwear material and come in a wide range of sizes. Please contact us if you are interested in collaborating with us to create some wonderfully unique eco-footwear!

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Car Tire Shoe Sole Flip Flop
Car Tire Shoe Sole Flip Flop
Car Tire Shoe Sole Flip Flop


Car Tire Shoe Sole sandal
Car Tire Shoe Sole sandal