Join the Zabo Tribe and Create Your Own Pieces

Publié par Laura Zabo le

The moment has finally arrived! As my upcycling mission is expanding, I have decided to start up my own Laura Zabo Club. I’m so excited to share my story and begin to help others start their upcycling journey. Upcycling can be fun and enjoyable, mentally and financially rewarding.

 Laura Zabo - Jewellery - Accessories

This club is aimed for people who are interested in knowing more about my story, a glimpse into my personal life and my daily routine inside and outside of the workshop. This inside into my life and my work will help club members build a new skill that will open doors for anybody to create jewellers and accessories for any occasion, for anyone. There is a small monthly fee of £6month for this membership, which will give you access into the community I’m building in tyre upcycling. This monthly fee will help me to move forward and bring this new industry into the mainstream.

Within this membership community, I have so many stories I would love to share. Since childhood, I have always been active and have come across so many exciting adventures and experiences. However, I have also experienced anxiety, sadness and many struggles with who I am as a person. I want to share who I am as a person and share what is going on in my life physically and mentally, which I don’t believe compliment my sustainable fashion social media profiles. This new community I am building is a perfect way of expanding through a separate medium.

As I grow, so does my business at an exponential rate, I am more inclined to share my journey – both the highs and lows. I want to share my philosophies, my favourite books, private life, sex life, my experiences with psychedelics and how they have changed my life. Most importantly, I will be sharing the true me; Laura.

Alongside this, I will implement techniques and ideas to help grow your business, specifically surrounding upcycling and aiding with other sustainable businesses.

How do I join?

The private membership club costs £6 a month with no contract, so you are free to cancel at any time. You can buy a subscription through this link and in the comment section please add your Instagram profile name.

Once you have paid I will accept you on Instagram and we can start this journey together!

It is important to note that not everyone will be accepted to this group. If I do not know you or I don’t agree with your Instagram you won’t be able to join the club and your money will be immediately refunded.

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